Every Child Can Fly

What is FunFlight?
Aero Clubs, pilots, and commercial aviation organisations host FunFlight events volunteering their time to provide deserving families with a sky-high break from their day-to-day worries.
FunFlight is a national charity, founded in 2008, that inspires and assists aeroclubs to plan and host safe and joyful events to bring light into the lives of families touched by adversity. Working with national and local charities, FunFlight events have hosted families who have a child with a disability or serious illness, where one parent is ill and families just doing it tough and in need of an uplifting experience. Read more about FunFlight’s humble beginnings or learn more about FunFlight events. If you're interested in helping bring smiles fo the faces of deserving children, you can find-out more here.
FunFlight Captains take children touched by adversity for the Flight of their Life.
15 years and 15,000 pax

This year we're proud to be celebrating our 15th anniversary as a registered charity.
Our first FunFlight event of the year, and a welcome return from COVID groundings, was held on Saturday, 11th February 2023 at Tyabb Airport (back where FunFlight started!) Not only was this our 15th Birthday but we also hosted our 15,000th FunFlight passenger. Read more about the event, and our twin milestones, here.

Upcoming Events
If you're a pilot and would like to register for the following events, please follow the links to the club websites to contact organisers and register for the day*.
Darling Downs Aero Club, Toowoomba - 14 September 2024
Lilydale Flying club, Yering in conjunction with Yarra Valley Aviation - 6 October 2024.
Geelong Aero Club, Barwon Heads - 20 October 2024
Bendigo Pilots Group, Bendigo - 26 October
Peninsula Aero Club, Tyabb - 9 November 2024
Sydney Social Flying, Bankstown - 9 November 2024
If you want to learn more about previous events, head over to our Events page.
* You will need to meet certain requirements, established by Fun Flight to deliver safe events. Organisers will discuss these requirements to you.